Information on the server progress

Development screenshot of the mana2 server in action

The progress on making a dedicated game-server is moving along nicely. In my local client I am now able to connect to the server, create a game lobby, join a lobby, perform a teamswitch, perform a readycheck, and the server will send a game-start event to all players in the lobby when all users have performed the readycheck. This might not seem like a lot, but it does all this without any error (so far :p)
I'm doing this currently with a in-server "chat client" however, so still need to actually implement it in my game-code, but that should be rather straight-forward to do when I feel it's the time to do so.
Hopefully I will be able to get it in the game-client before the current demo expires.
I'm happy it moves along so well, it's been ages since I've done any network coding at all ...