Submitted by Zeromus on Mon, 03/10/2014 - 20:09
Updated the the game client a bit by adding the following stuff:
- Added sound to chat messages when playing online
- The Hi-scores list won't pop up anymore when a match is done when playing online
- Minor fluff
- Some small internal changes
Additionally, I also have a test server running now, courtesy of a good friend.
Because we don't have a lot of (test) players (yet), it might be a good idea to plan ahead and ask a friend to join in to play.
Submitted by Zeromus on Sat, 03/01/2014 - 19:21
I've added the function to auto-save a non-online game. The game will save at a set interval, or when you close the program while you are still in a game.
This will make it a lot easier to play the solitary mode until the end, as this mode generally can last up to several hours. It can also protect your perfect game score against unexpected crashes and such.
Submitted by Zeromus on Sun, 02/23/2014 - 15:09
The job select wasn't working as intended when playing local multi-player.
This and a few other minor bugs have been fixed since this morning's update
Submitted by Zeromus on Sun, 02/23/2014 - 11:20
There's a critical patch available that will prevent the game from "hanging" when certain conditions are met that are related to the Curse status
Please run the updater, or download the new installer to prevent nasty stuff.
Submitted by Zeromus on Sat, 02/22/2014 - 11:25
I'm happy to announce that the newest version of Mana Squared now has online leaderboard functionality !
To update to the newest version, just use the in-game updater, or download the newest installer from the downloads page.
Submitted by Zeromus on Wed, 02/19/2014 - 12:27
In today's patch (download from in-game), I've tweaked the joystick controls a bit, to allow local multi-player starting from 1 joystick connected. In this case, the keyboard will control Player1, and Joystick1 to control Player2 and so on. Also every "unused" joystick will also control Player1. Basically, if you have two joysticks connected, you can either play with 3 people use keyboard + 2 joysticks, or 2 people using joysticks.
Submitted by Zeromus on Sat, 02/15/2014 - 15:37
Instead of simply copying Player1's Skill-Tree, other players will now be able to select their Job/Class at the start of a game.
Only jobs that Player1 has unlocked can be selected.
I also tweaked the layout a bit for when you play with 4 players.
Use the in-game "check for updates" to get this patch installed on your game.
Submitted by Zeromus on Sat, 02/08/2014 - 17:07
I'm happy to announce that local multi-player test version is currently available as demo.
Current limitations are:
- Maximum number of players equals the number of gamepads connected (it won't show up in the menu if you only have 1 connected)
- Local Multi-Player modes are currently limited to a maximum of 4 players ( and the layout looks terrible when you do ^.^ )
- All "Guest Players" will have the same job and skills as Player 1 (will add a selector or randomizer for this later)
Submitted by Zeromus on Fri, 02/07/2014 - 22:30
As a little update, I'm currently working on local multi-player (versus and co-op). It'll probably be a while until I release a new version again, especially with the current situation I'm in. But don't worry, I will do my best to see this project to the end !
Submitted by Zeromus on Fri, 08/30/2013 - 17:18
I've uploaded a bugfix for players who are unable to play the Tower Modes (will give a empty screen if you have this)
You can get it by using the game's own patch feature, I won't update the installer at this point for this however.
Also included is a small update to the graphics, it should now be easier to play for color-blind people. As a side-effect it will be easier for non-color-blind people to play while under in-game the status effect "colorblind", if that makes any sense at all ^_^