
Bugfix: User CP

There is now a update available with several bugfixes and a few minor tweaks to the interface and gameplay.
You can get it with the in-game updater, or download a fresh copy from the downloads section.
The most important bugfix is related to incorrect calculations of the user's MaxCP to be spend in the editor (frankly I'm surprised I didn't even notice this one for a long time)
This patch will probably drastically increase your MaxCP.

New function: auto-save/resume game

I've added the function to auto-save a non-online game. The game will save at a set interval, or when you close the program while you are still in a game.
This will make it a lot easier to play the solitary mode until the end, as this mode generally can last up to several hours. It can also protect your perfect game score against unexpected crashes and such.

Bugfix: Job Select

The job select wasn't working as intended when playing local multi-player.
This and a few other minor bugs have been fixed since this morning's update

Added online leaderboards

I'm happy to announce that the newest version of Mana Squared now has online leaderboard functionality !
To update to the newest version, just use the in-game updater, or download the newest installer from the downloads page.

Changes to Multi-Player

In today's patch (download from in-game), I've tweaked the joystick controls a bit, to allow local multi-player starting from 1 joystick connected. In this case, the keyboard will control Player1, and Joystick1 to control Player2 and so on. Also every "unused" joystick will also control Player1. Basically, if you have two joysticks connected, you can either play with 3 people use keyboard + 2 joysticks, or 2 people using joysticks.

Added job-select to local multi-player

Instead of simply copying Player1's Skill-Tree, other players will now be able to select their Job/Class at the start of a game.
Only jobs that Player1 has unlocked can be selected.
I also tweaked the layout a bit for when you play with 4 players.

Use the in-game "check for updates" to get this patch installed on your game.

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