A new demo version is available V20121118

There is a new version available at the downloads page.
Not much is included except a extended demo time and some updates to the user interface. The user-select dialog has been replaced with a in-game menu.
You now also have a "fake fullscreen" option in the settings menu instead of the "fit to window" option. It's actually the same, but it takes care of the size and borders for you :p

About the skill tree

It'll probably be some time before I'll make a new demo available to the public again. The reason for it is that I'm currently working on the Skill-Tree that you can use to customize your character.
What this basically means is that you will be able to customize which skills you have and what magics and items can spawn for your during your game. This will only be available if you are not playing as a guest however (in which case you'll have about the same skills as you use now).

Mirror-Mode is working again in V20120815

Mirror-Mode preview

Among other things, the Mirror-Mode is visible again so you can play it, although I was too lazy to create extra graphics for it at this point. AFAIK It's not really a popular game mode, so it doesn't really get a high priority for me.
Anyway ... besides the mirror mode, I've also added a visualization of your score when you kill or pickup blocks. This should make it easier for newer players to notice that combos make a BIG difference in their score. Other than that I've also adjusted the volume of some of the effects by user-request.

Demo version V20120805 available for download !

Most notable update is the including of a (primitive) game-setup, and the ability to select a user to be loaded by default

You can download it on the download-page
Don't forget to give me feed-back about it.

NOTE: The Mirror-Mode currently DOES NOT SHOW YOUR MIRROR-FIELD, so don't bother trying to play it !

Demo version V20120726 available for download !

You can now download a limited time demo-version of my upcoming game on the downloads page of the site.
Don't forget to give me feed-back about it.

Note: zip-file has been updated

Partially rewriting the GFX engine

At the moment I'm rewriting large parts of the game graphics engine. It'll take up a bit more video memory but it will allow me to add various visual effects more easy later on. And hopefully I'll be able to tweak my code of it some more so it doesn't have to draw as much.
Accompanying this change is also a new look of the player field.
Other than that I've moved back to programming in Delphi XE2 and made some more smaller game changes.

PS: If anybody can donate me a free iOS device, I can try to make it run on that too :p


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